Paid for by brian gardner for boe
Brian’s BOE Platform
I am running for the Board to serve our kids, our staff and our town in building the best school system possible.
I want to support all the things about our district that make it a good place today to educate our kids.
- Support our teachers and their diverse needs in helping our kids excel
- Build a foundation that’s ready for what’s next
- Build transparency
I will work to find and improve any areas where we are slipping or struggling and could detract from our ability to achieve.
- See the bond project management through, and support course corrections where needed
- Spend vs outcome
- Better ways for parents and teachers to partner on supporting their student’s success
I can help lead the district into its next strategic plan to innovate, focusing on the skills our future graduates need to succeed.
- Chart a course for next generation education, today
- Make measurable progress towards a plan for the future
- Redefining what success looks like for our children and what skills they need to get there
- Mindfulness, mental health self-care, SEL, grit, and self-awareness
- Critical thinking and creative problem solving
- Beneficial/ethical use of AI and technology
We must innovate, preparing our students for the world they’re entering. This requires new skills, creative curriculum and integrated approaches. It requires more than words, it requires measures of success. We are about to embark on a new strategic planning process. Our current plan is strong in vision, but light in metrics. By external gauges, we’re slipping as a district. As a member of the Board, I will have the experience to set appropriate, specific goals, then dive into making them happen. Critical thinking, problem solving, information discernment, cyber safety, ability to execute and multidisciplinary thinking will be just as important for our kids. We need to redefine what success looks like, then put systems in place to ensure we stay on track.
Right now, today, we need to educate our students. We want the best teachers delivering next-generation curriculum using state of the art tools and facilities. Delivering on that requires budget management, facilities that run well and are well run, having technology that empowers teaching and learning, and administrative processes that are effective and efficient. The Board’s job is not to do these things directly, but that cannot be the end of the conversation. Through policy, partnership, planning, and problem solving, working with and through the Superintendent, a good Board can help our District unlock and sustain its true potential. The best plans require the best implementation, and I have extensive experience doing just that.
When our students achieve, our schools succeed and our town wins. For that, we must be willing to openly assess ourselves. Where things are working well, we should celebrate! However, we can’t shy away from transparency where things could be better. I will work collaboratively to identify and break down those barriers. Teachers are up against unprecedented challenges. Every teacher I know has a plan if there’s an active shooter in their building. Our teachers have students with various lived experiences, diverse learning needs, shifting expectations, and evolving curriculum. Each is reality, but is it a shock teachers are under pressure at crisis levels? Kids are facing their own challenges, and a mental health crisis that has been simmering for years. How can we maximize the value of every moment our kids spend on their education, while allowing there to be balance with the external demands of life? The Board sets the course; I am ready, prepared, and eager to serve.